- I moved out of Canada to get away from the weather. So having rain every day was very familuar but depressing. The weather played in our favor though because the event got crazy busy during those thunderstorms.
- The limited edition minimalist mustache prints sold out by the day 2. We pulled all the inventory off of MLB.com, and we sold out of those the next day. We ran out of ALL inventory by day 4. If you got one, you are one of the lucky ones.
- I met Johnny Bench! Johnny asked me what my last name was, and I said, "It's just Preston". He told me, "They I'm just Johnny". We shook hands. Our booth was so busy, nobody took a picture. #sigh
- Ate some amazing Cinny food! Went to Taste of Belgium for chicken and waffles. Grabbed some chicken at The Eagle. Dove into some pizza at Adriatico's. Grabbed some mac+cheese at Keystones. And of course... had a Coney at Skyline... and loved it! Next time it's a four-way with beans.
- My ballpark princesses were happy distraction for those little girls. I really don't think that the event caters well to the female baseball fan, especially for the younger ones. I'm glad I can share Reds Ariel and Reds Belle to the little pony-tailed Reds fans.
- We AirBNB'ed our place again and the cross streets were Clifton and Vine. A bit of an eye-opener for this Canadian!!!!
- Deanna and I never met before the show, and we hit it off like we've been friends for years!!! Can't thank her enough for being there to help us! I bet she never expected to experience my crazy life when she answered that Craigslist ad!
One of my favorite comments was a man said that he noticed I thanked and shook the hand of almost everyone I met. He said that I was the only one that wasn't behind an easel or painting baseballs and he appreciated being approachable. I had tons of plans to draw artwork and commission sketches, but it's much more important to talk to you and thank you for buying my art. I'm a happy man talking ballparks and baseball. Some of you came every day for 5 days, and some of you stayed at my booth for 1/2 hour. If you know me on social media, I pride myself in listening to your stories, and joining you in celebrating art + baseball.
So I hope to see ya at RedsFest (if the stars align) and I'm happy to meet new friends from Ohio. If you are out to California and visiting Orange County, I'll always share a coffee (Ashley, cya in a couple weeks!)