What is the Masterwork Collection?
The Looney Tunes: Masterworks Collection is a multimedia project that combines original sketch artwork and digital reproduction to create multiple original artwork versions from a master illustration. S. Preston will create a master illustration (Masterworks Original) of a character without including the jersey portion of the artwork. The master will be digitally captured at 1200 dpi and reproduced on archival fine art paper on which S. Preston will create multiple Team Originals, one of each team. In that way, each team original will be a one-of-a-kind 1/1 art piece.
- Each Masterwork piece will be dedicated to one sport only.
- Only one team can be commissioned from each Masterworks Original piece. There will be no other jersey color, jersey style or player number accepted for that team. For example, if the Masterworks piece is Daffy Duck, and someone commissions a Chicago Bulls with 23, S. Preston will not accept any other Chicago Bulls commissions for that particular Masterworks Daffy Duck ever again.
- The Masterwork Original will also be available to be commissioned. Obviously, there is only one available. Unlike the single Team Originals, the commissioned Masterworks Original can be any team.
- Commissioning a personalized team original (non-professional sports team) IS PERMITTED for an additional fee, provided the above guidelines on sport and team are met.
- Prints of the Masterworks original and the team originals will NOT be created.
- Deliver of your original artwork will be 4-8 weeks.
To kick off the Looney Tunes: Masterworks Collection, the first Masterworks piece will be Bubble Gum Bugs!!
As described above, all 32 MLB teams are available as Team Original sketches plus the one Masterworks Original sketch. Make sure to get your favorite team original before someone else does!
Standard Pricing:
Masterworks original (1 team original): $5,000 pick your team
MLB Team original- 1 per team per masterworks sketch (30 team originals): $1,000 each.
To see if your team original is available and purchase your custom piece click here. Once we receive payment we will reach out to you to confirm your jersey preference and Preston will get started on your piece!